A Designer in Europe - Book


Graphic designer, Will Roth challenged himself to create a logo inspired by each city he visited over the course of a 4-month trip across Europe. From the cities of Paris and Prague to the further reaches of Sarajevo and Sofia, Will combines his design aesthetic with the experiences each city brings.

Get an intimate look into Will's design process and feed your wanderlust with A Designer in Europe.


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My Process

Through this project, I gained valuable experience in layout and book design, as well as in handling large files in InDesign. The final project folder had a size of 1.85 GB and contained 679 files spread across 51 sub-folders. It's worth noting that this size does not include my entire photo album from the trip. Out of all the photos used in the book, only 3 were stock photos. I utilized free mockup files to enhance my brands. The project, from start to finish, spanned approximately 5 months. However, I was only able to dedicate part-time hours to it as other work took precedence. Below, you'll find some pictures showcasing the process, wireframes, and screenshots of the design files.

Select Sketch Book Pages

Layout Drafts


Robertson & Markowitz


National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS)